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Affordable Housing Advisory Council

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Affordable Housing Advisory Council

Deadline: April 5, 2024

North Carolina Nomination Form 
Nomination Certification (to be completed by nominees) 

Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta (Bank) is soliciting nominations from North Carolina for individuals to serve on the Bank's Affordable Housing Advisory Council (Advisory Council). Nominations can be made by completing and returning the North Carolina Nomination Form linked above. We also request that all nominees complete a nomination certification.

Please note: Both nominations and nomination certifications must be returned to the Bank no later than Friday, April 5, 2024.

The Bank seeks nominees within the state of North Carolina from a diverse range of backgrounds, including, but not limited to: for-profit or nonprofit organizations, private, public, or quasi-public entities actively involved in affordable housing and/or economic development. The Advisory Council meets quarterly to advise the Bank's board of directors on ways in which the Bank can better carry out its housing finance and community lending mission, including, but not limited to, advice on the low- and moderate-income housing and community lending products, market conditions, and credit needs in the Bank's district, and on the use of the Bank's Affordable Housing Program products and services for these purposes. Members of the Advisory Council receive a stipend for each quarterly meeting they attend and are reimbursed for travel, lodging, and meal expenses. Quarterly in-person meetings of the Advisory Council typically require one-and-a-half days.

Appointments to the Advisory Council are for a one-, two-, or three-year term with a maximum of two consecutive terms. The North Carolina appointee will serve an unexpired term beginning in April 2024. Previous Advisory Council members are eligible for nomination and appointment. Pursuant to the Bank’s board-approved Equal Opportunity Policy Statement, the Bank encourages the consideration of diversity in nominating or soliciting nominees for positions on the Bank’s Advisory Council

Please note: Directors and employees of one of the member financial institutions of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta are not eligible to serve on the Bank’s Advisory Council.

If you have any questions about the Advisory Council or the nomination process, please email Tomeka Strickland, Senior Vice President and Director of Community Investment Services, at