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Investor Relations

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FHLBank Atlanta's capital stock is owned by current or former members and certain non-members that own the Bank's stock as the result of a merger or acquisition of a Bank member. 

In addition, the Bank issues consolidated obligations and holds joint and several liability for consolidated obligations issued by the Federal Home Loan Bank System. 

FHLBank Atlanta's stock is not publicly traded, but the Bank is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and files quarterly, annual, and current reports with the SEC.

Capital Stock

The Bank's Capital Plan requires each member to maintain a minimum investment in the Bank's Class B stock. The minimum required investment is the sum of a membership stock component and activity-based stock component(s). Capital stock requirements are subject to change from time to time at the discretion of the board of directors. The current membership stock requirement (subclass B1) is 0.07% of an institution's assets, with a dollar cap of $18 million. The member's activity-based stock requirement (subclass B2) is 4.75% of outstanding advances, while the letters of credit activity-based stock requirement (subclass B3) is 0.10% of outstanding letters of credit.

Download the Stock Estimate Excel worksheet to estimate the amount of membership stock you are required to hold under our capital structure.


B1 %

B1 Cap

B2 %

B3 % 

08/25/23 – present

0.07% $18 million 4.75% 0.10%

12/5/22 – 08/24/23

0.05% $15 million 4.25% 0.10%

03/18/22 – 12/4/22

0.05% $15 million 3.75% 0.10%

03/19/21 – 03/17/22

0.05% $16.2 million 3.75% N/A

03/20/15 – 03/18/21

0.09% $15 million 4.25% N/A
03/21/14 – 3/19/15 0.09% $15 million 4.50% N/A

Dividend History

Dividend Rates

 Year 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr.
2024 7.35% 7.35% 7.35% 7.10%
2023 6.50%  6.97%  7.25%  7.35%
2022 3.74% 4.11% 5.30% 6.37%
2021 3.69%  3.67%  3.70%  3.70%
2020 5.53%  4.35%  4.00%  3.72%
2019 6.54%  6.36%  6.05%  5.93%
2018 5.78%  6.19%  6.19%  6.47%
2017 4.77%  4.91%  5.01%  5.16%
2016 4.87%  4.64%  4.64%  4.77%


SEC Filings

FHLBank Atlanta is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and files quarterly (Form 10-Q), annual (Form 10-K) and current reports (Form 8-K) with the SEC. To view all the Bank’s filings, please click the link below:

All SEC Filings for FHLBank Atlanta 

Annual Reports

2023 FHLBank Atlanta Annual Report

2022 FHLBank Atlanta Annual Report

2021 FHLBank Atlanta Annual Report

2020 FHLBank Atlanta Annual Report

2019 FHLBank Atlanta Annual Report

2022 Affordable Housing Advisory Council Annual Report
2021 Affordable Housing Advisory Council Annual Report
2020 Affordable Housing Advisory Council Annual Report
2019 Affordable Housing Advisory Council Annual Report


Amended and Restated Organization Certificate 
Board Committee Charters
Governance Principles
Employee Code of Conduct